Piedmont Park Alliance Church
The Piedmont Park Alliance Church needed some heavy lifting when it came to its remodel, and WestScott Construction hit the ground running. The WestScott team started by removing the existing sanctuary stage stairs and a portion of the existing acoustical ceiling tiles and lighting. The existing stage, stairs, kneelers, and acoustical tile ceiling and lighting were also removed.
Next, a backstage area was constructed along with a new baptismal pool. Additional construction included an elevated stage of metal stud frame with oak stairs and new kneelers.
The WestScott team added sheetrock and decorative trim mouldings to the structure before completing the installation. Installations included new faux stack stone panels, acoustical wall panels, electrical system, an acoustic grid and panels, updated stage lighting and new electrical outlets and audio boxes in the stage deck area.
Finally, The WestScott team encased the second-floor handrails with a 42-inch knee wall.